
Every child is an artist.

Art is a creative outlet for children to express their passion.

Access to and engagement in the arts have been proven to benefit children in all aspects of their education and social-emotional well-being at school. This ultimately leads to greater academic success! There are also mental health benefits of creating artwork, especially for children. 

The arts can also be a powerful and creative tool for inspiring social change in areas such as:

increasing awareness about environmental issues
promoting healthy lifestyles

IWMM + Hui No'eau Visual Arts Center

Art Exhibit

Submission Deadline: Friday, March 28, 2025

Hui No’eau Visual Arts Center
2841 Baldwin Avenue, Makawao, HI 96768

The Ian Walsh Menehune Mayhem Foundation has teamed up with the Hui No’eau Visual Arts Center for the 2025 Keiki Art Exhibit!


  • Keiki ages 3-12 years old are eligible to participate.

  • Theme: mālama i ke kai- Taking care of our oceans. 2025 is also the 50th Anniversary of the Hōkūleʻa a voyaging canoe and a symbol of environmental stewardship. For more info visit

  • Paper Size: 8”x10” or 9”x12” only so we can matte your artwork to be displayed at the exhibit.

  • Submit (1) piece of your favorite artwork that follows the theme outlined above to the Hui by March 28th. Markers, crayons, and colored pencils only. No pastels please. Be sure to write your name and age on the back of your artwork.

  • The Art Waiver must be signed and submitted along with the artwork. Click the button below for the Art Waiver. One Waiver per child.


Art drop off at the Hui No’eau visual Arts Center: Drop off your completed artwork and signed waiver to the Hui’s front desk anytime before March 28th to ensure your artwork will be on display at the art exhibit.

For families on the Westside of Maui, you may drop off your keiki’s artwork anytime before March 28th at Hi Tech Lahaina (2365 Ka’anapali Pkwy Lahaina, HI 96761). Store hours are 9am - 6pm daily.

Keiki Art Exhibit at the Hui No’eau Visual Arts Center:

Dates Are To Be Announced!

*Please note the Hui No’eau Visual Arts Center Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 9am - 4pm. Address: 2841 Baldwin Avenue, Makawao, HI 96768.

Ian Walsh, IWMMF President pictured at the 2022 Menehune Mayhem Art Exhibit at Better Things Cafe.

2020 Ian Walsh Menehune Mayhem Art Outreach Program In Collaboration with the Hui No'eau Visual Arts Center

We had an outstanding amount of Art Outreach submissions from Maui keiki. Mahalo for participating!

Clean Ocean Art Project (For keiki 10 years old and under)
​This art project focuses on a clean ocean free of plastic for all ocean creatures and our ‘ohana to enjoy! We take great pride in keeping our ocean clean and we know you do too! To complete the art project, please read through the instructions below. This is your time to have fun and be creative! :)

​Art Project Instructions:
1. Look through the workbook to get ideas on what to create.
2. With the art supplies provided, create a beautiful image of the coral reef free of plastic. 

Duke Kahanamoku Art Project (For keiki 11 - 14 years old)
​This art project features the legendary, Duke Kahanamoku! Duke Kahanamoku is a surfing and swimming legend and embodies the spirit of Aloha. To complete the art project, please read through the instructions below. This is your time to have fun and be creative! :)

​Art Project Instructions:
1. Read through the printout on Duke Kahanamoku, the father of modern surfing and ambassador of Aloha. 
2. With the art supplies provided, create your own portrait(s) of Duke Kahanamoku.

Submit your original completed artwork to by October 23, 2020 along with a signed copy of the art waiver.

​Selected artwork will be featured on the IWMM social media.